Premiered in: 2012. Duplex Cabaret Theatre, NYC/ with Lisa Monde playing Mina and Professor Lamenta
State: Annually running on Halloween.
Creators: Music by Lisa Monde/ Written and directed by Lisa Monde
Featuring: Jarrett Jay Yoder, Lisa Monde, Carlo Bosticco, Cara Recinella, Michael Anthony Walsh, Stephanie Wittenberg, Brigitta Rollings
Produce issued: Playbill/ CD with songs from the show
Brief Summary:
The never ending love story of Count Dracula and Mina. Each year on Halloween the Count calls for his beloved through centuries and they meet again. This time, the spectators are invited to join the celebration at the Count’s Castle. The hosts of the evening – gloomy Armand, unlucky Flameout, know-it-all Professor Lamenta and seductive vampiresses will make it a night to remember.