Premiered on: October 29 -November 1 2015. The Vail Leavitt Music Hall in the town of Riverhead, NY/ with Lisa Monde playing Mary Shelley
State: As Part of the Second Annual Edgar Allan Poe Festival
Creators: S. Saint George, Robert Jackson
Featuring: Darren St. George, Lisa Monde, David Burt, Cassandra St. George
Produce issued: Playbill/ T-shirts/ Souvenirs
Brief Summary:
Part of the annual Edgar Allan Poe Festival. A one-act play featuring three classic horror writers meeting for the first time to discuss the inspiration for their greatest literary achievements. Bram Stoker (Dracula), Mary Shelley (Frankenstein), and Edgar Allan Poe (The Raven) gather together to explore their fascination in creating macabre tales of “things that go bump in the night.” |