Premiered on: May 26 2016 as part of The 3rd Annual Radioactive Festival. At the 4th Street Theatre, NYC/ with Lisa Monde playing Coco Chanel.
State: Full production of the play will open at the Gene Frankel Theater in 2017
Creators: Written and directed by Lisa Monde
Original Soundtrack by Lisa Monde
Steve Carlsen – Salvador Dali
William Otterson – Sigmund Freud
Pablo B. Sandstrom – Pierre Assange
Lisa Monde – Coco Chanel
Karl C. Leone – Frank
Chia Yi Chan – En
Harrison Scott – Stein
Brief Summary:
The play about two geniuses of the 20th century – forefather of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud and one of the most brilliant representatives of Surrealism – painter Salvador Dali. During an encounter, that has never taken place in reality, they carry on a dialogue about the conscious and unconscious and their reflection in artistic realism and surrealism.