The Theatre Times Magazine wins an Award for Excellence in Digital Scholarship from the Association for Theatre in Higher Education and the American Society for Theatre Research!

Over the past two years, Lisa has been writing for the Theatre Times Magazine and is very proud to be one of the editors and authors at the Theatre Times! Recently, the Magazine won a prestigious award as the Best Digital Portal. 

ATHE-ASTR Award for Excellence in Digital Scholarship from the Association for Theatre in Higher Education and the American Society for Theatre Research.

The Joint ATHE-ASTR Award for Excellence in Digital Theatre and Performance Scholarship is awarded each year to an individual or team that demonstrates innovation and rigor in the use of electronic/digital media for the purpose of producing and disseminating knowledge about theatre and performance. The award subcommittee composed the following rationale for this recognition:

“We decided as a committee to give this year’s award to, a mostly self-funded digital portal that seeks to globalize theatre criticism by challenging unequal modes of sharing and accessing knowledge. In addition to being a global platform for theatre news and many forms of criticism, TheTheatreTimes offers digitally innovative services such as Performap (interactive digital map that tracks international theatre festivals happening around the world in real-time) and International Online Theatre Festival (free to participate and free to watch). We appreciate their collaborative and decentralized model and the wide range of open access content, especially that which offers coverage for underrepresented regions and people.”